Moonshine, July 4, 2009,
Bones of the Earth series, acrylic on sumi paper over canvas, 10" x 8"
Since the Fourth of July on my acre of the country was chilly, gray (at times later in the day partly sunny), and too breezy to be enjoyable for long periods of time, so I stayed inside and made more art...
Landscape, July 4, 2009,
Bones of the Earth series, acrylic on canvas, 12" x 31 1/2"
Fooling around with a used canvas that my Fred gave to me (he had made a painting that he didn't like, and instead of making something he did like, he gave it to me to use because he prefers the thicker canvases, but I don't mind the low profile) paint over it I did...white first, naples yellow next (while the white was wet), squished it around with the brush, then pulled on it with mat board scraps to make textures...while it dried I rotated around working on other pictures...and then added the dark green/brown (that mossy terra verte, raw umber, burnt umber mix that I like so well), the lichen green, and some white were added later...using mat board plates for the monotype textures...some brushwork, not much...and my tape roll, plastic lid circles...lots of playing around...I was happily "in the zone", lost track of time so there was no potato salad to go with the coneys...oops! Thankfully, my boys don't seem to mind (our son grilled the coneys...they were yummy!)
Stone Cold, July 4, 2009,
Bones of the Earth series, acrylic on sumi paper over canvas 8" x 8"
This one I made over a painting from last April that I didn't like very well (I sort of liked the idea of it, but it was pale and wishy-washy...not very interesting.) This one has that stuff going on that I'm enjoying very much, I love the ragged edge of the paper showing through...
It's a nice day out there, it's my intention to make more art today on the porch...I just need to set up and go to it!