This blog is my portfolio of artwork, a journal about my process of making art...and the things that I have no words for...

*Copyright notice* All photos, writing, and artwork are mine (
© Laura J. Wellner), unless otherwise noted, please be a peach, if you'd like to use my work for a project or you just love it and must have it, message me and we'll work out the's simple...JUST ASK, please.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Window Pictures, Courtesy of Frost...

It's been so cold it's breathtaking...I've been keeping busy with things...artwork, editing the book, playing around with the photos I've been taking of our winter wonderland...keeping warm is a priority...

I love incorporating the icicles dangling above...

Playing around with tinting the black and white...silver and gold...

Nature continues to impress me with its beauty...thinking about future paintings...

Since it seems I'm on a black and white theme, here's some pencil drawings that I finished...

December Winds, 12/11/2009, pencil drawing on paper 14 x 11 inches

These tend to be my mental aimless relaxation...they take a very long time to make, they're very satisfying to me while I'm working on times they're very odd...although I do try to "plan", they tend to be their own thing in spite of what I think I want to do when I lay down the first marks...

Winter Sonata, 1/1/2010, pencil drawing on paper, 14 x 11 inches...the first of the New Year...

I know, I posted this over at Upstate Girl...but just in case you didn't get there, I snapped this photo yesterday afternoon from my back window looking out at the hilltop behind us...all of the trees were coated with a fine layer of ice earlier in the week, then snowed upon for a couple of days more...and voila, winter wonderland! It's very pretty out there, and I have my camera full of much to see, so much to look at...


Unknown said...

Gorgeous - I've never seen patterns like that here, even though we are having the coldest spell I can ever remember. I love the drawings, quite hypnotic. What a great view you have - it's a beautiful spot. If I lived there I would never get a thing done, I'd be looking out the window the whole time!

Laura J. Wellner (author pseudonym Laura J. W. Ryan) said...

I do have that 'looking out the window' problem...I do it all the time, it's always been a problem, even when I was a wee girl in grade school, like a sunflower, I turn to the windows...oy! It's amazing I ever get anything done! Tho' it is amazing what I come up with during my contemplations through glass...

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Your window view is spectacular...beautiful snow!
I find your drawings so interesting and can see such fine detail...thank you for sharing these two beauties.

merci33 said...

The photos are so magical. It's been so many years since I've lived in the land of Jack Frost simply spectacular patterns...and your drawings...same...magnificent.

Regina Piroska (Gina) said...

Gorgeous ... Frost would melt here today ... its hot hot hot in Tassie ... nice photos >> Gina

Sharmon Davidson said...

The frost pictures are wonderful. They remind me of a Werner Herzog documentary I watched last night about divers who go under the ice in Antarctica... macrocosm and microcosm, so much alike. I'm fascinated by your pencil drawings- do you ever sell them?