This blog is my portfolio of artwork, a journal about my process of making art...and the things that I have no words for...

*Copyright notice* All photos, writing, and artwork are mine (
© Laura J. Wellner), unless otherwise noted, please be a peach, if you'd like to use my work for a project or you just love it and must have it, message me and we'll work out the's simple...JUST ASK, please.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photographic accidents

This is a very crappy photograph of one of my recent drawings, I loved the paper and the way the graphite covered it, it's soft and fuzzy, but this is not an ideal photo of a graphite drawing is always challenging because of the reflective nature of the medium, and scanning it hasn't been easy either, the paper took some abuse while I worked it, so the scanner catches all of that and makes it look worse...maybe someday I'll snap a good shot of it...

but I loved the glare so much when I had the overhead light on, I had to get it...well, just because...

Why not?

1 comment:

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Reminds me of Alice falling down the rabbit hole! Really like it.