This blog is my portfolio of artwork, a journal about my process of making art...and the things that I have no words for...

*Copyright notice* All photos, writing, and artwork are mine (
© Laura J. Wellner), unless otherwise noted, please be a peach, if you'd like to use my work for a project or you just love it and must have it, message me and we'll work out the's simple...JUST ASK, please.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's important to "play"

I can't stress enough how important it is to play around with medium and surface...and sometimes when it's not going well, to say "fuck it" and push it further...this little painting is on a piece of acid free mat board scrap that is approximately 3 x 2, so it's tiny...I made it on my lunch hour at work...sometimes I do this out of necessity, not just to create something, but to work out something, to put distance from work by "playing" solves lots of problems, clears the head of you know, I have a thing for yellow...and I love purple and yellow together...I splashed and saturated, let dry, damn near gave up on it, then when the surface was at the right dampness (this takes practice to know just "when" to dip in again, I'm sorry that I can't really tell you "when", but trial and error is a fact of art making), I splashed and dashed some more and then walked away...I fooled about with it later after it was dry with some colored pencil at home, but decided to leave was fine as is what it is and I like it...

Do you remember this piece? River of Fallen Stars has sold at the Contemporary Gallery this week.
It's always bittersweet to sell a piece...especially one that is so close to my heart...they all are special during and after the creation process, but some of them are "favorites" and possess pieces of me that are deeply personal...but these pieces of me are elusive, it's pure creativity, it's emotional, it's spite of her busy surface where I struggled with process, deciding what to leave in, what to leave out, suffering through trial and error, there is peace's like lying on a blanket in my yard and looking up at the Milky Way in the summer sky, looking for shooting stars, while listening to Beethoven's 9th in my head...this is my bliss on always amazes me how it gets there from here...

It's an honor to have someone part with their hard earned money to buy my artwork, and it is always my hope that the buyer will treasure the piece as much as I do, and more because they see something in there that belongs to them, they can read their bliss...

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